MOLDRAW: a program to display and manipulate molecular and crystalline structures


by Piero UGLIENGO  University of Torino - Dipartimento Chimica. Via P. Giuria 7 -10125 Torino. ITALY

MS Windows (Linux & Mac OS X) -  

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New structure
Crystal cell
Crystal box
Export input
Nice pictures
Chime structures
Jmol structures

Reading a frequency calculation output file

If  frequency calculation are present in the filename.OUT CRYSTAL03 output file, MOLDRAW creates the file filename_FREQ.MOL under the actual directory and two new options becomes available in the View menu.


For very small unit cells it is hard to understand the vibrational modes as too few atoms are involved. In these cases go to the Crystal menu and chose Make Box option. Please also note that, for the way in which MOLDRAW treats periodicity, the options Make cell and Make box are inactive.




For instance let us consider the brucite (magnesium dihydroxide) case. After reading the CRYSTAL03 frequency output file, the unit cell consists of only 5 atoms, as shown on the left.



In order to view a larger piece of the brucite crystal, the (Crystal--->Make box) menu is selected and the default choices are taken. Due to different ways in which MOLDRAW and CRYSTAL03 are handling crystal symmetry the (Crystal--->Make packing) menu as well as the Pack option in the toolbar are inactive.



Visualize the normal modes


On the generated crystal, select the (View--->Normal modes) menu. A popup form containing various controls to view and render the vibrational frequencies should appear.


Each mode can be selected and the associated atomic displacements displayed. By clicking the animate button the mode

will be animated. Speed of the motion and amplitude of the displacements are also tunable. Modes can be displayed on a symmetry base.

















Speed of the animation can be incresead/decreased by the +/- buttons. The amplitude of each eigenvector can be increased/decreased by the +/- buttons.


The versus of each atomic displacement can be changed by clicking on the invert eigenvector dialog.


Modes can be selected as a function of their IR and Raman activity, or by selcting a given symmetry representation.


PovRay files can be saved as a unique pseudo PovRay movie, or as a PovRay sequence of separate files along each normal mode or each mode can be saved as a PovRay arrows very similar to the picture available in MOLDRAW.



The IR and RAMAN intensities are normalized to 100 within the frequency dialog, whereas the true value is shown in the bottom line of the main window (click the picture on the left).



































Generate the vibrational spectrum


Select the (View--->Vibrational spectra) menu. The vibrational spectrum (IR, Raman or both) is rendered on the screen. An ASCII XY file called dump_freq.SPT containing the spectrum in the X(frequency in reciprocal cm) Y(normalized intensity) is also generated in the tmp_p directory. The spectrum is made by using either Gaussian or Lorentzian convolution. The maximum width at half height of each Gaussian/Lorentzian can be chosen by the user.



Vibrational spectrum dialog


IR spectrum of brucite





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